
Here Are Some Viral Beauty Hacks You Should Avoid

Every once in a while, the internet goes crazy for the newest beauty hack. Although some do have a level of ingenuity to them, some are simply hacks that shouldn’t have been discovered in the first place. At best you will reap some cosmetic improvement without solving your perceived problem. At worst you can have a terrible reaction, allergic or otherwise, and end with a whole other problem altogether.


Raw Coconut Oil


This one may come as a surprise to you as coconut oil’s praises have been sung by the beauty community. However, this wonder-product can be counterproductive when it comes to your skincare, if used raw. Skincare products formulated with coconut oil are fine to use of course as they are made to be safe for your face. However raw coconut oil is highly comedogenic leading to clogged pores, which we all know is never a good thing.

Using Lemon Juice as a Skin Brightener


This is one that I am personally guilty of. Lemon juice does contain vitamin c, niacin and citric acid which are found in numerous serums, cleansers and toners, however like coconut oil, using it in its untreated form is damaging to the skin. The skin on your face is comparatively more sensitive than the rest of your body and using lemon juice on your skin can increase its sensitivity to the sun. sun exposure after lemon juice application can cause severe burns, rash and can increase hyperpigmentation! Lemon juice also has a much lower pH when compared to your skin meaning that, if used, it can affect your natural barrier function.

Sunscreen Contouring


We all love a good contour and having one that doesn’t require makeup would be a dream come true, however sunscreen contouring is not the answer. This viral hack may seem clever but exposing your skin to UV rays causes wrinkles, ageing, and increases your risk of skin cancer. Although it can reap beautiful, cosmetic results the long term damage isn’t worth it, especially when there are perfectly safe alternatives.

DIY Coffee and Sugar Face Scrubs


DIY body scrubs are great ways to exfoliate and may seem harmless, however not so much for your face. Coffee and sugar granules are irregularly shaped and may have jagged edges making them too abrasive for your face. These scrubs can cause microtears in your skin that can get infected as well as cause scarring.

Using Hairspray As Setting Spray


This one should be a no-brainer but alas this somehow ended up becoming something that people actually did and continue to do. It should go without saying that hairspray is not meant for your face. There’s a reason why salons have face guards for when hairspray is being used. Hair sprays contain an array of chemicals and toxins that can leave your skin red, bumpy and irritated. It also contains alcohols and lacquers which can leave your skin extremely dry, bringing on a host of other concerns that come with skin dryness.


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