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7 Top Tips To Clear Out Your Clutter Correctly This Spring

Get ready to shake up your spring cleaning and decluttering habits because it turns out you might be doing it all wrong! With over 1 in 10 folks in the UK confessing they’re not entirely sure if they are disposing of their waste correctly, it’s time to rethink your approach.


To set you on the right path for your spring cleaning spree, Clear It Waste, London-based rubbish removal company, give their expert advice on 7 essential decluttering dos and don’ts you need to know before plunging headfirst into the annual cleaning whirlwind.


  1. Assess the value of your possessions before tossing

Remember that carriage clock you inherited from Great Aunt Jemima? It may be worth a pretty penny! Consider listing valuable items you find tucked away in the corners of your home on resale sites like Facebook Marketplace, Ebay and Gumtree to earn some extra cash as you declutter. Don’t forget your wardrobe and strut those pre-loved gems on platforms like Depop and Vinted. Who knows? That retro jacket you haven’t worn since high school might just start a bidding war!

  1. Check your local recycling policies

Before tossing everything in the bin, take a look through your piles of decluttering and see if there’s anything that can be given a second life through recycling. Different areas have varying guidelines on what can be recycled and how, so be sure to check with your local recycling facilityTake advantage of recycling programs for items like electronics, batteries, and plastics to minimise waste and maximise your environmental impact!

  1. Use the four box method – Keep, Donate, Toss, Recycle

Let’s face it, the less you own, the easier it is to clean, so wave a hard goodbye to those unused possessions gathering dust in the attic. Embrace the four-box method to separate your items: designate boxes for stuff you want to ‘Keep’, ‘Donate’, ‘Toss’, ‘Recycle’ and commit to your decisions. Those mismatched mugs at the back of your cabinets could find a new home at shelters and your bric-a-brac might just be someone else’s treasure at the charity shops. This method can be great for kids too, labelled boxes are easy to understand and you can add an element of gameplay. Make the ‘donate’ box the largest and challenge them to fill this first – just make sure to check through before donating!

  1. Know your limits and seek professional assistance 

If a task seems too physically demanding, why not leave the heavy lifting to the pros? Consider hiring waste removal professionals who can assist with moving bulky furniture like old couches or broken fridges and dispose of them properly. And if you are gearing up for a massive garage or attic clear-out – think about renting a skip to save yourself endless trips to the local tip!


  1. Don’t throw hazardous waste materials in your dumpster

Always consult the professionals or research online before tackling hazardous waste materials like light bulbs, old batteries, and unwanted electronics, that could release harmful chemicals into the environment and pose a threat to wildlife, if not handled properly! And don’t forget about those cleaning supplies as some of them contain harsh ingredients that need special care – always check the back of the bottle for instructions to stay safe and eco-friendly!

  1. Don’t let nostalgia make decisions for you

Struggling to let go even if you know you can’t keep it all? If sentimental attachment makes it tough to part with belongings, get a friend or family member to declutter with you to provide reality checks about what’s worth keeping and what’s just taking up space.

  1. Don’t overwhelm yourself 

We get it, decluttering can feel like tackling Mount Everest sometimes. Don’t feel the need to get everything done at once, pace yourself and take breaks when needed. Take it one step at a time, starting with small victories like tackling an overflowing junk drawer or tidying up a single shelf. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your clutter won’t disappear overnight either!


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Im a Lifestyle Blogger & Freelance Writer. I love Candles & Cats.
Abu Dhabi 📍
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